Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mission Trip Update

Mission Trip Update: Our route has been changed from west to east. We are now going through Moscow. Go figure. Who knew there was a path through Moscow to get to Cam bodia. The location of where we will minister may be changing, also. Please pray for clear openings and direction. An exciting change may be occuring that will take us into an area that has not been open before. We are all excited to take the step. Julie


whenpigsfly said...

SO, you are going to Cambodia or maybe are going to Cambodia?? HOW EXCITING!! Our hearts will forever be between Cambodia and the USA, with 5 of our adopted children being from Cambodia.a sib set of three and two boys who were best friends and "like brothers".all friends and now forever family!
My older chldren have done much mission time in Cambodia and our Malachi is essentially engaged to a wonderful Cambodian young woman and their life plans are serving the Lord together in Cambodia. We help to support the orpahange our children were in before we brought them home as well as a childrens home named BYKOTA House which took in older no-longer adoptable children from several orpahanges in the Phnom Penh area. BYKOTA is Be Ye Kind To One Another, by the way. I'd love to know your plans!!!!

Duncan Clan said...

Hi, Nice to 'meet' you. I am going in February through Words of Life. We're practicing flexibility as plans seem to be changing daily. Right now we're hosting a 13 year old Russian orphan for 10 days trying to find an adoptive home for him. We are also in the process of our first adoption, two boys, 10 & 9, from Russia.