Friday, October 2, 2009

Seven Weeks and the Racoons

Not a magical number, but it was a good day so I thought I would blog. We've been home from Russia for seven weeks tonight. In some ways it seems like forever and in other ways it seems like it's barely been a week. Most days are very difficult. There are seven people living in this house and each of us has had to make huge adjustments. Why haven't I blogged? Well I guess mostly because I got stuck in the negative and didn't figure anyone would be interested in hearing about the temper tantrums, selfish outbursts, and fist fights happening in our home. Why blog today? Because the last couple of days have made me think there is hope in this process. Now please don't get me wrong there have been great moments all along the way, but I find myself longing for good days of togetherness.

So David began his workout this morning at 4:30 and heard a loud bang outside. He went out to find a huge raccoon had turned over the trashcan. We had seen their prints on the trash can every morning and knew they were invading but this was the first time they had been spotted.

School lessons went great. Our 9-year old discovered that he is progressing faster on his Rosetta English than his older brother. That gave him a great burst of excitement.

We made a cake from the Amish Friendship Bread starter that our new friend Sara shared with us last week. It was liked by all, which doesn't happen very often. Now the kids are each tending to their own batch so we will have lots to give away in 10 days.

The kids look forward to their PE class on Fridays. They are learning to play tennis right now. The three youngest boys also had guitar class today. And friends came over to 'hang out' this afternoon. It was a great Friday.

Then came dinner. Bar B Que chicken is liked by all so there were no objections to dinner. Baked beans for half the family, sauteed mushrooms for the other half. Mom is in both halves. ha ha Peaches and cucumbers for everyone.

One of the most unusual things to get used to in our house is that there are always two conversations going on -- one in loud Russian because that is still the only volume they know, and one in louder English because they want to hear each other. And occasionally the two conversations intersect like tonight when Dad was retellling the racoon story and it ended at the computer looking up racoon pictures and everyone laughing at the thought of dad chasing the racoon. Wonder if we will all be up in the morning trying to catch a glimpse of our newest critter.


Ashley said...

I really enjoy hearing about your new family! You know Mark and I have been interested in adopting some day. Right now we are trying to survive the twins. And even though it is a different situation, I can understand your frustration at so many changes and wanting things to be a certain way. We have had our own big adjustment process with the babies. It is rough, but yet we wouldn't give it up for the world! Hang in there. You and Dave are such wonderful people and will be huge blessings in the lives of your children!

J. said...

I find it interesting that the kids speak loudly....Harry has been home for 8 months and still YELLS most of the time. Not becasue he's mad -but because, I assume, that having spent 4 years in a group of 12 or 13 other childen, one learns to yell if one wants to be heard....he's only now making progress on toning it down, but we do see a slight decrease! Yeah!
Hang in there, it will get better!

Justine said...

Thank you for posting! I can only imagine the challenges, but it will all be worth it. Hang in there. Loved hearing about the racoon. I'm sure you'll have more and more peaceful minutes, hours, days, and even weeks to come.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update...I can only imagine the obstacles you face. I love when you share your ups and downs....if there is anything I can ever do to help you out, let me know. You are a real blessing in our lives.

Deena Licht said...

Love hearing your stories. You are such a strong woman and an inspiration to the rest of us not so far along the journey!

J. said...

It has been awhile but wanted to say I hope your transition is going well!

hickmama said...

Loved meeting you all at the library on Tuesday. There is a lot of similarity between your childrens' story and my husband's arrival in the US even though the circumstances were surely different. Hope that you will consider a get together with us sometime, since we now know my hub is not the only Russian in town! I have a blog too -